Dad's Freak-Shop

Entertaining kids is hard. Here's how you do it.

Downloadable Coloring Pages Evolved

Personally, I can't stand the lame-ass pictures that pass for "free downloadable coloring pages" out there on the interwebs. My daughter was drawing better pictures when she was 5. I abandoned commercial coloring books long ago because the coloring book artists and publishers abandoned me! Such crap is not worthy of pulping trees for. Care a teensy bit and the drawings would be a thousand times better. And the internet is no rescue either.

Is it too much to ask for a decent colorable black line picture of dinosaur?! Almost makes me want to whip out my pen and… Ah, the hell with it, here are some better-than-lame dino images courtesy of some quick Photoshop tricks for your downloading and coloring pleasure. Oh yeah, the kids can have them too. Right-click, and "save as."

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